While sitting at my kitchen table this morning, drinking coffee, I thought that I heard my grandchildren coming from their upstairs apartment. Without hesitation I hurried to unlock the door so they could easily walk in. At the same time, I kept looking out the window, just in case they hurried by on the way to their car. I was excited to catch a glimpse of them. All of a sudden, as I was still enroute to the door, I heard the Spirit of God speak to me saying, "You know how quickly you just responded to the voice of your grandchildren? That's how I feel about my children. How I feel about you. I run to you! Immediately, I wept so hard that I could barely breathe. I cried out, "Abba, run to us!
The imagery that quickly followed in my mind was of how God, in his great love and mercy made access to himself through the sacrifice of his own son, Jesus on Calvary. JESUS, "the Door"...by which we have been given access to enter into the very presence of God. What joy came! What blessed assurance! What a beautiful picture of the love of our Heavenly Father! More than we desire those visits from our children, God desires fellowship with us. And even though we may be outside the door, occupied by our own lives; possibly in too big of a hurry to stop in, He still hears our voice, anticipates the time he can welcome us inside. And even when rush by; he watches over us from the windows of Heaven. I hope you know and experience the joy of our Heavenly Father. How excited he is when you walk through that door! He anxiously awaits us, so that he can draw us closly into his embrace. Make no mistake, until then our Heavenly Father will run to us! (There is coming a day!)
3/6/25 11:00 am (res)