Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Silence of Grief

No one sees the inner pain, hears the echo of recent voices, reviews the memories, re-lives the past, or feels the utter hopelessness in loss. No one but the one...

No one is there to hold you like the one did, speak the same, take the place, bring the joy you once shared, or experience how hard it is to re-call the face. No one but the one...

No one can know the cry in the heart, the loneliness in the soul, the emptyness of seconds that become minutes, hours, days, months, years. No one but the one.

Oh, the silence of grief.

When the last condolence is made and the door closes, when you walk down an even longer hallway, when you lie on your bed at night burying your head deep within the covers to try to block out the scenes and the sorrows that echo... it is gone, they're gone, it is over... No one but the one.

Grief is a lonely and hard journey. It cannot be done by two or three; even though two or three are affected by the loss. It cannot be done by a group; even though the loss touches many.

It is personal. It is long, hard, lonely, it is painful, it is........... Silent!

No one can know it but the one.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Take Heart

So much pain in the world? Take heart!
No place to turn; need a new start?
Look to the Lord and you will find... the pain of the past will fall behind
Joy will come in the midst of the rain.
Sunshine will follow the long night of pain
Hope will spring forth anew once more.
The Lord's coming is at the door.

Monday, May 11, 2009



God created me...and that today He has not lost count of how many hairs are on my head or of the times I begged forgiveness for failing to be, say or do all that He wanted.


That He loves me and will not forsake me. He never once abandoned me and He never will!


He will give me strength to face each and every day because He sees potential in me that I cannot see.


In His love...that nailed him to that tree.


That the "One" who commands us to forgive 490 times a day...still forgives....and forgives me.


In the blood that sets me free and that it is the same blood that heals me now and for all eternity...and is currently, actively, healing, now presently...has healed me in all my years past and will heal me right on up to the day of my "Ultimate Healing!"


I can...because He already has!


Lord...help thou my unbelief..............


because my focus shifted off from you and onto me or on the circumstances around me.


because my eyes were too clouded with tears to see clearly.


because there will be places up the road of my life's journey where I will be afraid to walk and the valley might overshadow my path.


because the goodness of mankind is being swept away more daily through the wicked devices and plans of evil men.

Unbelief ...

because............you knew I would...

You knew...

That I would be weak..

You knew...

That I would be tempted.

You knew...

That flesh, body and mind...would be weak; even though my spirit willingly presses onward and upward.

Herein is what I BELIEVE...


....and like your first disciples...who walked with you, talked with you, touched you and beheld your glorious works first hand...

They prayed.....

HELP thou MY unbelief"....

