The Bible says that God keeps covenant. That means if God said it, that settles the matter! I am glad that God is a covenant keeping God.
In a world of broken promises there is a deep sense of security in knowing that there is "ONE" who never wavers or sways in any area of HIS promises to His children.
I love that old hymn, "Great is Thy Faithfulness". There is nothing more comforting, more reassuring, or more precious to me than to know that GOD IS FAITHFUL!
"HE is, "Ever faithful, ever true".
I have never in my life met a new morning, but what the faithfulness of my Heavenly Father had not already...through His covenant love for me; provided "all" I would ever need...for every part of my day. For my spiritual, physical, financial, and emotional needs; my well-being.
If you need security today then just wrap your confidence around the FACT that God is not like man, he keeps his promises! You can find rest for your soul in Him....knowing that God is FAITHFUL!