What's In Your Cup?
I gave the sermon at church today for Women's Day. It was not one of your cushy, soft, laid back and enjoy kind of messages that we women love. It was very direct and personal...unlike anything the Lord has had me share.
The presence of God was there and after the message ended, there were two ladies who came forward for prayer. They both shared that they believed the message was from God to them. They both had felt like giving up on the Lord because of really difficult things in their families and personal lives.
One part of my sermon was from Mark 14:39 where Christ said, "Father, all things are possible with you...if it is possible ...let this cup pass from me"... I spoke on how our Lord had asked his father to let the cup of suffering pass from him if at all possible...and yet he surrendered 100% to the will of his father..."nevertheless, not my will but yours be done"...
I asked three questions.
1. Who has your cup?
2. What's in your cup?
3. What will you do with your cup?
We are all cups. We all are to be vessels fit for our Master's use.
First, We must make sure that our cup (personal lives) are in the hand of the Lord. We must also make sure that we have the right things in our cup. That the inside is as clean as the outside and that our cups are full of salvation and the Spirit of God. Lastly, we must make sure that our cup is submitted to God in all things, and that we keep it submitted to him.
Salvation is free, but the life shared in the sufferings of Christ is a costly one. The benefits are out of this world.!
What is in your cup?