Recently, we just went through 6 wonderful weeks of revival. It was like nothing I had ever seen for many years. God's presence was evidenced through his revealed word and also through the responses of hungry and thirsty hearts.
During the last 3 days of the revival, the Evangelist began to minister the phrase, "Let God Love You..." He repeated this over and over and the more he would say it, the more I believed that the Lord truly desired to be allowed to love us like we have never known.
So many are struggling in this life. Times are hard for many and the family seems to be under attack now more than at any time I have known. There is such uncertainty and fear; such anger and mistrust. Perilous times for many in the body of Christ.
I continued to LET the words penetrate my mind and heart. "Let God...Let him love all of the pain out, let him love all the sorrow, all of the worry, all of the past, all of the fear, all of the bitterness, etc...Let God love you!"
We are such independent people. We live as if we have no need while we try to mask the questions that lurk deep inside us. No matter how we want to hide the pain, the truth is we cannot fix it. We can't fix our families, our friends, situations on the job, having no job, even situations in the church and no matter how hard we try...we cannot fix ourselves. There is only one who can and that is Jesus. We must learn to let.
It may seem difficult at first. It may be that just by hearing this that you recoil and try to deny that you need help. You may not know how to let...but I guarantee that if you simply ask the Lord for help, he will. And in the letting you will learn and in the learning you will let him love you more and more.
For me? I have chosen to LET...and He has begun to reveal his love more and more.
So, LET go....and LET God!