Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Fruit of Love

The first mentioned "Fruit of the Spirit" is LOVE.

If this fruit is not manifested and expressed in our lives, it will be impossible to proceed on to the next fruit, "JOY."

God wants joy for us!

Without genuine "LOVE"... there will be no "JOY"...

Only sorrow.

Therefore, we will experience a relationship of slavery and not sonship. 

"My little children, let us not love in word, but in deed and truth."                 1 John 3:18


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Life: God's Great Adventure


Sometimes it feels as if life is predictable. There are times that we methodically go about our days with a sense of routine. In these times we settle into a mindset that things will never change...they will always be the same. It's just like God to show up in those moments and present you with a challenge that will shake the very foundations of your faith and place a path before you into the great unknown.  You know that He would never lead you into darkness or harm and you know that what He challenges you to do, He will provide the grace for the journey. This is our story: For just a little over a month ago, God confirmed that He is leading us into an area we have never gone before and at our age and situations... it seems totally foolish to even consider such a thought. But God...has clearly shown us again and again that he desires for us to. .."Follow!" After I realized that the thought of laying everything down and following the Lord in this was becoming a reality. ..I held onto my bed and cried out to God! "This is just a test!... Right? ... Surly you would not ask this of us at this season of life. You really don't want us to leave everyone we love behind?" We are five days from setting sail for; as my husband likes to refer to it: .."one more adventure. "

May 1, 2016...we followed. 
We moved to SC and helped in ministry there for one year. It was one of the best decisions we could have made,  especially for one of our children. This move was a pivitol change in his life and he had been blessed ever since.

I know the Lord helped us to bless others, even if just a short time. We have made lasting friendships and connections and left a piece of our hearts there with those we love. 

So, bringing you to the present day. 

We decided that due to Gary's reoccurring health issues, it was best to move home.  

Since returning, we have ministered in various places and have waited in God's "next adventure" for us. He has shown us some beautiful things and we have met some more of God's family along the way. 

I'm getting ready to start this blog over and try to be a greater blessing to those who read the words I believe that God would have me to share. 

So, here we go....
