You are the inspiration, Oh Lord.
You are the music. You are the song. You are the melody and harmony.
You are the symphony.
You are the breath. You are the wind that directs the course...
the ins and outs of life...
You set the sails. You steer the ship. You are the one.
You bring the tears. You bring the joys. You bring the memories.
You bring the ideas. You bring the hope. You bring the new.
You bring the comfort. You bring the strength.
You hold us close. You let us go. You correct and you love.
You are love,
You are Love.
You write the stories; ...the testaments of lives, lived in you. You took the hand.. you warmed the heart. You held the broken. You laughed with joy. You... did!
You were the inspiration.
To live again...
To try once more...
To take up... and walk.
There is no "good song" without your heartbeat in it_ and when the beat comes into the hearer's ears, "New Life" springs forth.
You steady us.
You help us rise and take hold of Hope...
and give us joy in the journey; expectation in the knowledge...
that no matter the situation_
or circumstance You, can bring us a song.
No matter how dark the night of the soul,
You will bring light. No matter...
For, there's nothing that can contain, confine or imprison such love!_
It trickles, then flows, then floods...
And there is no place; no crack or crevice that will not be washed in the flow.
Inspire us, Oh God_
For YOU are the Inspiration!
9:00 a.m.