Monday, February 24, 2025

Family Table Reminiscing

Believe me, one day you'll sit around the table and reminesce. And oh, the laughter and the sighs from all those years...the memories you hold so dear. You'll sit around the table and reminesce through tears. Happy tears for the most, they'll be. Of times with friends and family. There will be good ones, yet some will bring pain. Some will feel like sunshine, others like rain. There'll be your grandma or maybe grandpa, there'll be your daddy or your precious ma, there'll be a brother, a sister or friend, an Aunt or an Uncle, the list never ends...of times spent with loved ones and scenes through the years, of special places shared and vacations so dear. You'll talk of many things that you recall to mind, around those family tables, God had been kind! We sat around reminiscing at our family table today, and my how the hours seemed to slip away. And those special stories brought laughter and cheers, and maybe once it twice someone wiped away tears. But how precious those memories seemed to unfold, faded scenes became focused, they came  alive as they were told. It was hard to leave our table today, never knowing whose face we'll be missing the next holiday. Listen! I tell you the truth, hear what I say, you'll sit around the table and reminesce one day.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Law of Love

I know in part how Moses must have felt when he came down from the mountain carrying God's word on those stone tablets. It wasn't just anger, but the deepest sorrow he could have experienced. While he was obeying God's call and sacrificing his time on that mountain in order to receive God's holy instructions (the 10 Commandments)...those that he loved were wasting no time choosing to sin and commit idolatry, all the while walking over the very laws God's had just given. Moses must have felt betrayal. He must have felt that his efforts, his very life was meaningless to those that he loved and served. 

Today, in one instance of excruciating brokenness, I too wanted to throw down a precious item, shattering it to pieces. It was at that moment that I thought about Moses and how he reacted when he saw the people, some of which were his very own family; partaking in horrible, blasphemous acts against the God who just wrote those words while Moses stood on holy ground. It felt no different to me.  The cruelty of Satan's laughter...the father of liars whispered to me how my own walk with God, my own carrying of His precious Word; holds no more influence.

Oh, how Moses must have felt in that moment!  

Now, imagine God's heartache at all of this. First, with those who broke his heart by worshipping that golden calf, while committing  heinous acts...

Now, fast-forward to Calvary...the mocking of the Lord himself, the very Son of God, who had written words in the sand just a few days before... is hanging there on that cross, nailed there by the very ones he was crying out for his Father to forgive.

Imagine that!

That after all he would suffer, he still chose to invest his love in the likes of you and I. 

HEAR His cry, this Law of Love...                          "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do". 
