It has been of the greatest comfort to discover what a wonderful gift the Father has given us in the Holy Spirit.
Jesus told his disciples that he must leave them out of necessity. That he would send "another comforter" ...the Holy Spirit and that he would not just be with them as Jesus had been but he would abide inside of them. Wow! Do you realize that as a Christian you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you? That everyday he lives within you to give you power to live over all the ability of the enemy of your soul? He is there to be lead and guide and comfort. To be your Helper!
I am so glad that we can be filled continually with the presence of the Holy Spirit.
I begin each morning submitting my mind, soul and body asking him to help me in everything I may face. Then as I live out each moment of my day He is there helping me be more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ who loved me. What comfort!
Even as Christians we can forget that we are never alone! Especially in the dark times of life. We need to be reminded that Jesus promised he would send another "Comforter". He did not say he would send someone for you to fear...but who would provide you with comfort.
There is a wonderful old hymn called "Abide With Me"...and at one part of the song it says,
"When other helpers...fail...or comforts flee, In life in death O' Lord, Abide with me."
We have many helpers in life and there are certain comforts, however... they all fail... BUT when these helpers fail and all other comforts flee from us...the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit of God will be within us. He is the Holy Spirit...our Helper!
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