There's a chill in the air as death hovers, waiting it's last order from the mouth of God. A dear saint and sister-in-law lays just at the door. Between uneven breathes; with widened eyes she wakes from a brief rest...and smiles. Her concern was more for those of us who sat around her bedside. As our minds searched familiar scenes of happy times together; the... pain....and realization lay just beyond the veil. The steady tick of life's clock winding down to the final stroke of HIS appointed time. I watched for death to come...then...but not yet. I looked at the faces of those she has loved who have gathered with their last moments of personal blessings...a touch, a glance, a smile, a memory shared. A shared glance between lovers espoused for 42 yrs...an I love you etched in time..."I'm going home tomorrow!"...she says. (I think)...To Heaven?...Oh yes, Hospice has been called. The last of Earth's hope setting the stage...and Jesus...Conqueror of Death, Hell and the Grave awaits!... "I am almost there..." ...she said to me. I thought..."Yes, you are....to Heaven!"... Jordan's River is before you and you have dipped your toes in its chilly banks. You have stood there with outstretched arm as you are holding the hands of those you so greatly love...and a tearing away has begun. I see it clearly. Held between Earth and Eternity. From the love here, to the Lover and Purchaser of your soul.......Oh, we weep.....for now. It is meant to be. Sorrow for a Season...But one day...the Great Exchange.....because JOY comes for all of us....in the morning! I'll see you Tomorrow...(Genie Beanie)
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