Sunday, December 24, 2023

God Holds the Pen

God holds the pen because He holds my heart. 
The words that He writes are Master "Pieces of Art". 
He writes my story and as He writes along,.. 
God holds the pen and I sing along.

I sing of LOVE; created of old. 
Born in the heart of every soul. 
He writes forgiveness, He writes of grace, 
 In living colors, His love I can trace. 

With just a small word the heavens were born. 
One cold winters night: the angels adorned... 
A tiny babe with heralded song, 
"Sing Hallelujah!..The Savior is Born! 

He wrote our redemption on Calvary's brow. 
To those who receive it; who humbly bow. 
I can remember the day He wrote mine, 
 As I knelt at the altar, He changed my life. 

God holds the pen, because He holds my heart. 
For many years now, He has written my part. 
As I follow him daily; testifying that Jesus is Lord, 
God still writes the song as I obey His word. 

God holds the pen; one day our song will be sung. 
Our days will be over; our race will be run. 
He'll write the last chapter with love in His heart, 
And just beyond Jordan, our "new song" will start. 

Now friend are you needing redemption today? 
Just give Him your pen and his love will display. 
The colors of freedom from death, hell and the grave. 
You'll join in the singing with those who are saved.

8:00 pm

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